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November 19th and 20th

Join Ozark Folk Center Craft Director Jeanette Larson for an amazing crafter’s weekend!

Each student will finish a pair of wet felted wool slippers in this fun two day class.

The first day we will cut the pattern, prepare the wool and begin the felting process. We’ll create our lasts on our own feet to finish molding the slippers.

On the second day we finish the slippers to fit on our lasts, start to dry them and discuss options for adding soles and other additional decorations.

We’ll take a tour to Havencroft Farm to visit the animals that grew the wool, mohair and alpaca fiber that we are using to make our slippers.

Your class fee covers all supplies and materials, except each student needs to bring a pair of worn out socks that will not be worn again and two heavy weight bath towels that can be washed and reused. Wear clothes that can get messy and bring shoes/boots to wear to the farm. We’ll also need lots of newspaper to stuff our lasts and table covers. Felting is a soapy wet messy craft.

Leather soles are available for an additional $10/pair. I need to know prior to the class if a student wants soles. The slippers are fine without them, but may be slippery on uncarpeted floors. You can cut them to fit in class, and hole punch them to stitch, but won’t have time in class to stitch the soles on to the slippers.